

Show all disk rebuilds on controller0

/opt/MegaRAID/perccli/perccli64 /c0 /eall /sall show rebuild

Check your dell perc raid controller for progress on rebuild. And email when its ready

true; while [ "$?" -ne "1" ]; do sleep 60; /opt/MegaRAID/perccli/perccli64 /c0 /eall /s15 show rebuild |grep -o -E "[0-9]{1,2}\s+In progress" ;done || mail -s "perc" <<< "Your raid rebuild is ready"


create raid6

create virtual device. raid6

racadm -r [rac ip] -u root -p [rac password] storage createvd:RAID.Slot.5-1 -rl r6 -wp wb -rp nra -ss 256k -name [vdisk name] -pdkey:Disk.Bay.0:Enclosure.Internal.0-3:RAID.Slot.5-1,Disk.Bay.1:Enclosure.Internal.0-3:RAID.Slot.5-1,Disk.Bay.2:Enclosure.Internal.0-3:RAID.Slot.5-1,Disk.Bay.3:Enclosure.Internal.0-3:RAID.Slot.5-1,Disk.Bay.4:Enclosure.Internal.0-3

Above change needs to be executed through a job:

racadm -r [rac ip] -u root -p [rac password] jobqueue create RAID.Slot.5-1 -r pwrcycle -s TIME_NOW

get vdisk settings

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] storage get vdisks -o -p Layout,ReadPolicy,WritePolicy,StripeSize,DiskCachePolicy
   Layout                               = Raid-6
   ReadPolicy                           = Read Ahead
   WritePolicy                          = Write Back
   StripeSize                           = 256K
   DiskCachePolicy                      = Disabled
   Layout                               = Raid-1
   ReadPolicy                           = No Read Ahead
   WritePolicy                          = Write Through
   StripeSize                           = 128K
   DiskCachePolicy                      = Default

change read ahead settings of vdisk

You can change the Read Ahead settings of a vdisk through racadm. Notice the 1 in Storage.VirtualDisk.ReadPolicy.1. This indicates the vdisk number. Look at the command above (get vdisk settings) to find the index of you vdisk.

racadm --nocertwarn -r [rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set Storage.VirtualDisk.ReadPolicy.1 "Read Ahead"
STOR094 : The storage configuration operation is successfully completed
and the change is in pending state.
To apply the configuration operation immediately, create a configuration job
using the --realtime option.
To apply the configuration after restarting
the server, create a configuration job using the -r option.
To create the necessary real-time and restart jobs, run the jobqueue command.
For more information about jobqueue command, run the
'racadm help jobqueue' command.

A job needs to be created to enable the just changed Read Ahead policy

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] jobqueue create RAID.Slot.5-1 --realtime

set specific network interface to be used as pxe boot device

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set BIOS.networksettings.PxeDev1EnDis Disabled
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set BIOS.networksettings.PxeDev3EnDis Enabled

Again this change needs a job to actually active the changed settings

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] jobqueue create BIOS.Setup.1-1 -r graceful -s TIME_NOW

enable snmp traps and snmp get

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set idrac.ServiceModule.HostSNMPAlert 1
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set idrac.ServiceModule.HostSNMPGet 1

Again this change needs a job to actually active the changed settings

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] jobqueue create BIOS.Setup.1-1 -r graceful -s TIME_NOW

check value of settings

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] storage get vdisks
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] get idrac.ServiceModule.HostSNMPAlert
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] get idrac.ServiceModule.HostSNMPGet
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] get BIOS.networksettings.PxeDev1EnDis
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] get BIOS.networksettings.PxeDev2EnDis
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] get BIOS.networksettings.PxeDev3EnDis
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] get BIOS.networksettings.PxeDev4EnDis

Make server boot from pxe

racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set iDRAC.ServerBoot.BootOnce 1
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] set iDRAC.ServerBoot.FirstBootDevice PXE
racadm --nocertwarn -r [ rac ip ] -u root -p [ rac password ] serveraction powercycle

get service tag

racadm getsysinfo |grep SVC

Create a TSR

SupportAssist utility can create a SupportAssist collection, also known as a Technical Support Report

racadm supportassist collect -t SysInfo,TTYLog -f

Get ip address of iDrac

racadm get iDRAC.IPv4.Address

Find mac address of iDrac

racadm getsysinfo |grep -E "MAC Address\s*="

Restart the iDrac without resetting the settings:

racadm racreset

Access the firmware interface

This is where you could do a firmware rollback

F10 lifecycle controller