
Nomad is a job schedular similar to kubernetes but a lot simpler. It uses only one binary

Nomad pack

Nomad pack is used to create a template of a nomad job definition

A hash within nomad pack

I have not been able to create a hash within nomad pack templating engine. But what you can do is put it in the variable file and then refference that variable in your nomad-pack.

variable "drinksMap" {
  description = "Mapping drinks to a person"
  type        = map(string)
  default     = {"cola": "peter", "fanta": "rudolf", "sprite": "mark"}

to refference it use the following structure:

[[ index $drinksMap fanta ]]

The result will be: rudolf

In my pack I've used it together with another variable. This way you can set multiple different values when using only one input variable for the nomad-pack

Now with the pack:

job "init_drinks" {

  type = "batch"

  group "servedrinks" {
    task "servedrinks1" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = "dockerimg:0.1"
        command = "serve_drinks"
      env {
        person = "[[ index $drinksMap .my.drink ]]"
        person = "[[ .my.drink ]]"

And when running:

nomad-pack render drinkpack --var drink="fanta"

You get

job "init_drinks" {

  type = "batch"

  group "servedrinks" {
    task "servedrinks1" {
      driver = "docker"
      config {
        image = "dockerimg:0.1"
        command = "serve_drinks"
      env {
        person = "rudolf"
        drink  = "fanta"