Proxmox is a great piece of software to manage your VM's and Linux Containers
installation images can be put in
check vm configuration
cat /etc/pve/qemu-server/103.conf
create zfs volume
zfs create -V 100G [zfspl]/[dataset]
add zfs volume to vm
qm set 103 -virtio1 zfspool:vm-103-disk-1
add zfs volume as virtio scsi device to vm
qm set 105 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi9 vmdata:vm-105-disk-8
remove volume from vm
qm unlink 103 --idlist virtio1
Sync a vm via zfs snapshot to another physical machine
pve-zsync sync --source [vmid] --dest [receiving physical host]:zpool/[dataset] --name somevm --maxsnap 1 --method ssh --source-user root --dest-user root
Import zfs snapshot as zfs volume for pve usage
zfs send [zfs pool name]/[dataset]/vm-101-disk-2@rep_some_vm_2022-05-03_17:18:37 |zfs receive [zfs pool name]/vm-101-disk-2
Copy the pve vmconfig to the right dir
cp /var/lib/pve-zsync/[dataset name]/101.conf.qemu.rep_rep_some_vm_2022-05-03_17:18:37 /etc/pve/nodes/[pve node name]/qemu-server/101.conf
Edit the vmconfig to update the disk path
vim /etc/pve/nodes/[pve node name]/qemu-server/101.conf
You can a snapshot of a proxmox VM-disk (zvol). First you have to make the volumes visible.
sudo zfs set snapdir=visible zpool1/nextcloud
now you can mount it
mount /dev/zvol/zpool1/nextcloud/vm-109-disk-1 /mnt/nxc
.part files are the partitions
Do a direct vzdump over ssh to another machine
vzdump 101 --stdout | ssh root@server01 "cat > /zfspl1/somedataset/vmname"
import that vzdump on the other side
cat /zfspl1/somedataset/vmname |qmrestore --storage zfspl1 - 103